Apprentice Week – Sam

It's National Apprentice week so we're celebrating our apprentices by asking them to tell us a bit about themselves, their role in the company and some of their personal interests. Let's see what our apprentice EPOS Technician Sam has to say...

Apprentice Name: Sam Roberts

Job Title: EPoS Technician & Technical Support

What is your role at Yorkshire Payments?: I am a member of the technical team, I create bespoke point of sale systems for our clients through use of our partner software, assist clients with changes and fixes for their point of sale machines, assist as much as I can with the card machine side of the technical team & assist the technical needs of the company in any way I can.

What do you enjoy most about your role?: Solving puzzles

How long have you been working with the company?: Just over 4 months

Tell us about one of your proudest achievements in your career at the company: Finally getting a semi-complex command line script to work for a client

What are your goals?: To complete my apprenticeship and be an effective employee, but in terms of the ‘five year plan’ that always gets talked about, I eventually want to move into a Sysadmin role somewhere once I have the necessary qualifications and experience; I’d also love to move back to Scotland with my boyfriend, Aberdeen is where I studied at university, it’s a beautiful country and where I hope to eventually spend the later years of my life.

Let's get personal...

Where are you from?: Brighouse, England, 10 minutes up the road from where I work now!

Do you have any children or pets?: No kids (thank god!), but I do have a Cockapoo called Luna, who is about to turn three, and a Tabby cat called Dixie who is 13 years old but still just a little baby 🙂

Do you have any interesting hobbies?: If you consider building computers and analysing media interesting, then yes.

What do you do for fun?: Games, mostly, I play with longtime friends from all over the world and my Boyfriend most nights since at the moment we’re long-ish distance.

Who is your idol/role model/or someone who inspires you?: Don’t really have one, I do not particularly ‘idolise’ anyone and find it reductive of your own personal values to attempt to mould yourself into someone who isn’t you; you should just be yourself, as long as yourself is a good person.

Do you have a secret skill or talent?: It’s not a secret skill if you tell people about it.

Do you have any personal goals for this year?: Learning how to drive is a goal for myself this year, even though I probably won’t own a car for a while, at the age of 22 I think it’s finally time I got my license.

Do you have a personal achievement you’d like to tell us about? For example, something you’re proud of: I am proud of my achievement with the scouting organisation growing up, I completed my three DofE challenges, participated in numerous charity events, learnt skills I carry with me now and completed my platinum chief scouts award, the crowning achievement of my time in the Scouts.

Thank you to Sam for his Apprentice Spotlight for National Apprentice Week.

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