Proud Headline Sponsors of The Yorkshire Choice Awards

As a business with firm roots in Yorkshire we are delighted to be the main headline sponsor for the Yorkshire Choice awards 2022 for a second year. After a difficult few years, we are looking forward to celebrating the achievements of all the wonderful individuals and organisations who have gone above and beyond across the county.
headline sponsors for Yorkshire Choice Awards

Like with many things, the annual Yorkshire Choice Awards (YCA) had to adapt to Covid-19 restrictions and hosted their 2020 event online. Their plan to host their red carpet ceremony for the 2020 winners was also cancelled due to the venue opening up as a vaccination centre. The founders of YCA fully supported this decision and wanted to keep everyone safe.

Now that Covid-19 restrictions have partially lifted allowing businesses and events to operate as usual, the YCA is back in full force and will be hosting their 2022 awards in June at their usual venue The Centenary Pavilion at Leeds United.

Yorkshire Payments have had the pleasure of being headline sponsor for the Yorkshire Choice Awards since 2018. With the last 2 years being a struggle for many businesses we couldn’t be happier hear that we can come together to celebrate the achievements of so many inspirational people and organisations across Yorkshire once again. We are the headline sponsor for 2022 as well as sponsoring the Kate Granger Award for outstanding contribution. This Award recognises people who have gone the extra mile and have given significant and lasting contributions to others.

“Having been a close follower and supporter of YCA for several years, it’s inspiring to see the exposure and support it brings to businesses across Yorkshire. When the opportunity came up to be headline sponsor, we signed up straight away!” – James Howard, MD Yorkshire Payments

Our shared values with YCA and the founders Mel and Jo, makes sponsoring this event something we are very proud of and are privileged to be part of.

“The YCA demonstrates that through adversity and courage, light can shine through in so many different ways and give the deserving nominees, finalists, and winners the exposure that is so deserving.”The Founders.

Nominations are now open for you to put forward your inspirational businesses and individuals, if you know someone or a business that has gone above and beyond, then head over to the YCA website. Deadlines close on the 1st December. The 2022 awards have two new categories, the ‘Covid Hero of the Year’ award and ‘The Rob Burrow’ award. The ‘Covid Hero of the Year’ award is for businesses and individuals who have stepped up during Covid-19 and went out of their way to help others. The ‘Rob Burrow’ award celebrates individuals, young people and groups who have contributed to the charity, MND Association, helping to raise awareness and vital funds.

If you are a Yorkshire business and looking to support the YCA there are many sponsorship opportunities to raise funds for their chosen charity for 2020: the MND Association inspired by Rob Burrow. Visit their sponsorship page here.

The Yorkshire Choice Awards is a wonderful black tie evening, it is a great opportunity to support Yorkshire businesses, shine a light on those who go above and beyond, and to celebrate the amazing achievements across our county. With live entertainment throughout the night, it’s a great excuse to get dressed up, to put on your dancing shoes, enjoy a three course meal and meet some incredible people.

We wish all nominees the best of luck for the awards, and we look forward to being able to celebrate with you on the night.

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