How to Process a ‘Customer Not Present’ Transaction

Step 1. – Enter the amount to start payment

Step 2. – Press the green button to enter the payment amount

Step 3. – Enter the customer’s 16 digit long number on their card.

Step 4. – Press the green button to enter ad confirm the number

Step 5. – Enter the card expiry date

Step 6. – Press the yellow button to confirm the card being used to pay is not present.

Step 7. – Enter the CVV2 code (3 digit number on back of card).

Step 8. – Enter the cardholder’s postcode (just numbers)

Step 9. – Enter the card holder’s address (just numbers)

Step 10. – Remove the merchant copy of the receipt

Step 11. – Press green button to confirm the merchant copy has been removed.

Outage warning

We have been advised of an outage affecting all customers using Verifone termianls

This is currently under investigation .

We will update as more information becomes available.

Please retry using your service every 30 minutes. 

– Yorkshire Payments Support Team.