We’re Celebrating! 10 Years in Business

We have reached a very important milestone. It's our ten year anniversary!

We are thrilled to be celebrating our 10 years in business. It is also our 4th anniversary of moving into the heart of Bethel Street to our new office. We are grateful to all of our wonderful customers over the years, our incredible supporters and our dedicated team. To mark the occasion our team have written celebratory posts. See below. 

“I want to say a massive congratulations to our team for our wonderful achievement of reaching a 10 year anniversary. Your hard work, dedication and loyalty has been an inspiration and a motivation throughout the years. And of course a huge thank you to our customers and partners for their support and custom over the last 10 years, we are incredibly lucky to be able to work with such amazing businesses and organisations across Yorkshire and across the UK. Entering double digits is a big deal, and to see where we have come from to where we are now makes me very proud. I am confident the Yorkshire Payments team will go from strength to strength, here’s to the next wonderful 10 years! Congratulations everyone!”

“I have had 6 wonderful years with Yorkshire Payments. The team has seen various changes over those years, but at any one point has always felt like you are part of a solid work family - supporting each other through challenging times, working well as a team, and making it a good place to be a part of. Congratulations on the 10 year milestone! Looking forward to the future with Yorkshire Payments.”

“Congratulations to the whole Yorkshire Payments team on our 10 years anniversary, I have been with the company 5 years and our team spirit and working together is extraordinary. The whole team works together and exceeds all our customer expectations. Thank you to all our customers and partners, some who have been with us from day 1. Roll on next 10 years”

“A Huge congratulations to Yorkshire Payments on their 10-year anniversary. What an inspirational achievement. It’s been a pleasure to work within a hardworking local team. Yorkshire payments empower their employees to work efficiently in solving issues first time. I wish many more successful years to come. It's been an absolute pleasure and long may it continue.”

“After joining the company over 9 years ago, we have seen many changes, including the recruitment of new staff as the business grows from strength to strength and 2 office moves when we had outgrown our premises. It’s hard to believe we have celebrated 10 years in business earlier this year and it’s been 4 years since moving to our ‘new’ office in the centre of Brighouse where we feel like part of the local community, providing merchant services and card payments to Yorkshire businesses. It has been a pleasure to work with some amazing and talented colleagues and fantastic companies during this time, and we look forward to what the next 10 years will bring.”

“Massive congratulations to Yorkshire Payments on our 10 year anniversary! Thank you to all our wonderful customers who have supported us over the last decade and made our success possible”

“I have been with the company 18 months now and what a company to work for. The team are lovely as well as knowledgeable. They are exactly what they advertise to be, straight talking Yorkshire folk. Here’s to the next ten years!”

“A huge congratulations to Yorkshire Payments on their 10 year anniversary, what an incredible achievement. It has been a joy to see the company and the team grow over the years. You’re a wonderful team who always pull together and look forward to the future. Your forward thinking and your openness has been a huge factor in your success and I wish you many more successful years to come. It’s been a pleasure to work with you all, and long may it continue.”

"I Joined the team in June 2018 in a small office beside the beck. I have seen the team expand to almost twice the size it was when I started and the business brand grow. We have met many challenges along the way, from the changes imposed on us as a business sector to things out of anybody’s control, but one thing remains true. We pull together to make things happen for the team and our customers. We’ve battled against floods, office relocation, COVID-19 and working from home, changes in legislation are to name but a few, all with a smile on our faces and true Yorkshire grit and determination. Celebrating 10 years is a massive milestone, here’s to many more."

"Many congratulations to Yorkshire Payments 10-year anniversary, what an incredible milestone! It’s been a pleasure to work with such a hard-working friendly team in the heart of Yorkshire. I am proud of all that we’ve accomplished in the 4 years I have worked at Yorkshire Payments and can't wait to see what the future holds for us. Here’s to the next 10!"

“Happy 10 Year Anniversary “Yorkshire Payments” and a huge “Thank You” to everyone who has been a part of this incredible journey, all individually contributing to its business growth and success! Each day, I still have to pinch myself to the success and growth Yorkshire Payments, and how far we have come to date. I remember the very first day it all started, from sitting down with James on the sofa creating a business plan on the laptop (which didn’t save and we had to redo), to moving in to our first tiny office space to work from at Sent2Print based in Halifax. After that, it’s all history from further office moves to bigger premises, boarding with more banks and suppliers, providing payments services to the Yorkshire community, whilst working with the most amazing colleagues. It’s not been easy, and we have faced many challenges and hurdles along the way to which we have overcome making us stronger. Everyone should be super proud of their achievements as I know I am. Well done everyone and I look forward to the next 10 years!”

My Journey With Yorkshire Payments - by Sophie Williams

“I have loved seeing the business grow and I’m thankful for the opportunities I have been given, I have gained great knowledge within the industry and the business has supported me and allowed me to expand my qualifications.”

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